Congratulations on Natalia's Angel Day: beautiful wishes and cards for Natasha's name day. Pictures of congratulations on Natasha’s birthday Beautiful cards for Natalia’s birthday

In the church calendar of September there is an important day for all representatives of the fair sex named Natasha. We dedicate this material to Natasha’s name day, and we are also pleased to publish congratulations on Natalia’s Angel Day and beautiful cards for birthday girls.


Natalia's birthday: date

Due to the popularity of the name Natasha, many of our readers are interested in the date of Natalia’s Angel Day. Therefore, we are happy to answer. By church calendar Name day of Natalia, Natalia: September 8 ( Natalia of Nicomedia, wife of the martyr Adrian of Nicomedia). This means that everyone who bears the name Natasha celebrates their name day in September.

What means female name Natasha? From the Latin language - from the Latin "natalis" - "native", but also from the Latin name for the Christmas holiday: "dies natalis" - "Christmas day", "birthday". There is another interpretation, which traces this name to the same European root as in the name Patan - bestowed. The date of Natasha's name falls on September 8th.

Congratulations on Natasha's birthday

So that you can congratulate your dear and acquaintances Natasha on Angel Day, we publish congratulations on Natalia’s name day. With the help of funny congratulations on Natalia's Angel Day, you can brighten up the autumn day of a dear person and fill him with pleasant emotions. Don’t miss the chance to do something nice for Natalya’s friends, write down congratulations to Natalya’s angel.

There are a lot of words about Natasha
Humanity said
That she is unique
And always irresistible.

From her lovely charms
Men have a fire in their hearts.
Her children adore her
And my colleagues respect me.

Knows the approach to everyone,
He will find the right words.
He will understand and encourage everyone,
Whoever is weaker will protect.

Let everything in life succeed,
The heart laughs joyfully.
The husband cherishes and is proud,
Can't get enough of her.

There will be faithful friends,
After all, it’s impossible without them.
I wish Natasha
So that the house is a full cup.

I congratulate Natalya
On the most joyful of days.
I will catch the bird of happiness
I'll bring it as a gift for her.

May he always live with you
And protects from all adversity,
Let it warm with love,
Protects from year to year.

Be cheerful and beautiful
Laugh, sing and don't be sad.
Always be loved in life
And bloom with joy.

I congratulate Natasha and wish you happiness,
Let all your bad weather go away forever.
Let grief pass you by,
In return, this is what will be next to you:
Love and luck, health, flowers -
And you will always be amazing!
From pure heart I want to wish:
To love, to be loved, to always win!
Always let only joyful laughter sound,
And may you, Natasha, be the happiest of all!

The usual thing is that you are the center of attention!
Oh, how much charm you have, Natalya!
The meaning of the name is the word “birth”.
Yes, being with you is already a pleasure!
Prosperity, good luck, success in everything!
And most importantly, always remember one thing:
You will achieve everything, and you will be able to do everything,
You have one very important secret.
Of course, the secret is the power of the name!
... be bright, cheerful and the most beautiful.
Make decisions in life easily,
Be sure to catch success online.

Not everyone can be a deity
But you, Natalya, are destined!
Charming, beautiful,
Nice, meticulous in their work.

Your appearance is ideal!
Any fan would say
That you are a beauty princess,
It's like something out of a fairytale dream!

That the heart immediately stops
When you look, it burns.
The soul burns with fire from passion,
From your lips, from your power.

Natasha, Natalya, Natalie,
How could you become so beautiful?
You are as beautiful as this wonderful day,
And I’m not too lazy to repeat this.

Please accept congratulations with a compliment,
I wish you love and inspiration,
Good health to everyone luck in matters,
And if you cry, it’s only out of happiness - no other way.

You are a very cheerful lady.
And you cannot take away your charm, Natalya.
And on this holiday I want you loudly
We wish you health, happiness and joy!

Forward through life so that, with your shoulders squared,
You walked and didn't look at anything.
So that all your dreams come true,
And so that no one can stop you.

You are worthy of both gold and diamonds,
After all, you are beautiful, like a bright moon.
I wish you to always be appreciated,
May your life be full of love!

Natalya's Day: postcards

Despite the fact that there is no red mark on September 8, the day of the angel Natasha, this does not mean that you need to forget about this wonderful holiday for “bearers” of the name Natasha. We publish Greeting Cards with the name Natasha, with which you can please on Angel Day.

Natalya is a wonderful female name that appears so often that choosing a unique personalized card for her will not be difficult at all. It is important that the congratulation itself corresponds to the level of the existing relationship. We are ready to help you make a choice and select beautiful personalized cards, funny children's photos and funny images for a girl, woman or little girl with the name Natasha.
The pictures contain many different original inscriptions and congratulatory words. Thematic images with gags and jokes are also presented. Depending on the content, you can choose options for congratulating your dear mother, aunt, sister, little niece or daughter, boss and respected woman, beloved girl and best friend.

Happy birthday pictures for Natasha - beautiful, stylish and chic

Your attention beautiful, stylish and chic cards for Natasha's birthday. Whether it's a girl or a woman, stylish and beautiful name picture to please any person.

Beautiful card with roses - " Natasha happy Birthday

Picture for Natasha's birthday- beautiful and stylish bouquet from the designer

Beautiful card for Natasha - Pink roses.

Beautiful wishes for Natasha on beautiful picture. They want the girl to look forward with hope, back with gratitude, and around with love!

Picture - Let miracles happen.

Postcard - After the banquet.

Postcard - Anticipation of the holiday.

The best Natasha gets the most beautiful card on her birthday.

The picture is for the woman you love.

A beautiful birthday picture for Natasha with wishes in verse.

A glade of roses in honor of Natasha's birthday.

Gorgeous card with a bouquet of roses - " Happy birthday Natasha

Stylish picture with decor - " Happy birthday Natalie

Happy birthday pictures for Natasha - cool, funny and cheerful

Natashas are different. And this section is for those who always have a good sense of humor. You will find funny and unusual cards for Natasha on her birthday. Our funny and cheerful name pictures, just for the holiday name day for Natasha.

Funny greeting card — « Natasha! Happy birthday, my dear friend!”

Funny birthday card for Natasha- “I told Natasha: Happy birthday Vika!”

Funny card with congratulations to Natasha and original English inserts

Funny picture with wishes — « Happy birthday Natasha.

Always remain so cheerful, beautiful and happy!”

Pictures of happy birthday to Natasha - animated and flickering gifs

Our collection includes live gif pictures with congratulations For Natasha's birthday. Animated and flickering GIFs perfect for the impressionable nature of the hero of the day.

Animation picture — « Natasha. On your birthday from the heart!"

Gif postcard — « Happy birthday to Natusik

Live picture congratulations necklace and flower - " Happy birthday Natasha

Shimmer GIF- Red roses for Natasha's birthday.

Pictures of happy birthday to Natasha - with poems and bouquets of flowers

Postcards with poems from our collection, will fit perfectly for congratulations romantic nature. If Natasha is a romantic, then congratulations on her birthday cannot be complete without bouquets of flowers. In this section you will find Happy birthday greetings for Natasha with poems and bouquets of flowers.

Postcard with poems for Natasha's birthday- “Today is your birthday, today is a new crossroads...”

Birthday card for Natasha with Peonies- “So that life only brings you joy”

Picture pink Peonies for Natalya's birthday

Postcard gorgeous bouquet colors- White Rose for Natasha a day her birth

Greeting card with daisies And beautiful poems to Natasha

Birthday greeting picture- “This dear chamomile For my Natasha«

Pictures of birthday greetings to Natasha - with wishes and inscriptions

In this section, you will find beautiful and funny greeting cards for Natalia's birthday with wishes and inscriptions. Download for free And congratulate Natasha on her birthday with pictures with brief wishes and inscriptions.

Picture for Natalia's birthday with the inscription: “I wish you happiness and endless luck!”

Greeting card for Natasha's birthday with wishes: “I wish you bright, clear days, health and good luck!….”

Pictures of happy birthday to Natasha - from a friend

if you have birthday girl friend and her name is Natasha, then ours personalized birthday greetings pictures from a friend, will come in handy. Download for free And Congratulate your friend Natasha with a birthday card.

Beautiful congratulatory picture with balloons and cake: " Natasha! Happy birthday darling girlfriend!

Funny postcard from a friend

Postcard from friends: “For you to the bottom Natasha! You're my love girlfriend our! Happy birthday

Pictures of happy birthday to Natasha - for a girl or niece

Present to your attention congratulatory pictures for Natasha's birthday for children. Download for free And congratulations funny Happy birthday cards for baby girl Natasha. With these postcards you can congratulate classmate, niece or just any girl girlfriend named Natasha.

Birthday card for the girl Natasha— Cheerful Minions congratulate Natasha on the holiday

Birthday picture for niece Natasha: "Let your soul sing..."

Pictures of birthday greetings to Natasha - vulgar or for the girl you love

People with a rich and wild imagination who are in relationships will like vulgar happy birthday pictures for Natasha. Download for free And Congratulate your beloved Natasha on her birthday with vulgar cards.

Dirty picture for Natasha's birthday— The dressed up macho is burning with desire congratulate

A cheesy greeting card to Natasha on her day her birth— A surprise from a resourceful guy

Happy birthday picture Natasha dear! Darling!

Postcard: « Happy birthday! Darling my Natasha

Pictures of birthday greetings to Natasha - for her 45th anniversary

It’s not for nothing that they say that at 45, the woman is a berry again! If your Natasha turned 45 years, then you have come to the right place. Download for free our congratulatory pictures For Natasha in her 45 year old anniversary.

Postcard with poems to birthday For Natasha in her 45th anniversary

Congratulatory picture: « Natasha! WITH 45th anniversary you! Happy birthday

Natalia is a female name formed in the first centuries of Christianity from Lat. Natalis Domini - birth, Christmas. Name days are celebrated on September 8, in honor of Saint Natalia of Nicomedia, whose feast day falls on September 8.

We dedicate this material to Natasha’s name day, and also publish congratulations on Natalia’s Angel Day.

Happy Angel Day, Natasha.
Be sweet as usual
Happy, too happy
Healthy and loved.

Let from different sorrows
Your angel is protecting you
Everything in life will be great,
After all, you are worthy - I know!

Congratulations on your name day, Natalya,
I’m in a hurry to hurry you today.
Natalya... the translation reads - “dear”,
And this is true for you.

You are cheerful and you know your worth,
And everything is easy and very simple with you.
You support, love and forgive.
I wish you happiness and creative growth!

Natasha, how beautiful you are!
I'm not telling you in vain,
Since the name day has come,
I want everyone to love you

After all, you deserve recognition
After all, you always loved your friends,
I wish you to be devoted
And continue to love all people!

Happy Angel Day, Natasha!
He's always nearby
With him is our hope,
There is no danger of trouble with him,
There's nothing scary with him
Not a storm, not a thunderstorm.
But it’s just important to remember
What purity and whiteness
Your actions and speeches
It won't scare him off your shoulders.

Dear Natasha, I congratulate you on a joyful and bright day, on Angel’s Day. May your guardian always protect you from the troubles of this life and envious eyes, may your soul always be full Great love and happiness, may there be a good miracle and incredible magic in your every day, may your character always remain cheerful and light.

Natalya, congratulations! I wish you great happiness and a lot of luck, good deeds and pleasant surprises, incredible impressions and great prospects! Be beautiful, loved, desired, important and needed! All the best to you!

Natasha, gentle, sweet,
How beautiful you are now!
You give everyone your spiritual light,
There is no kinder person in the world than you.

Congratulations, Natasha!
Let it be like a full cup
Life will be full of happiness
Luck, love and passion.

We wish you positivity,
Let the warmth be alive in your soul,
Let all your wishes come true.
Health, success, recognition!

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